Sunday, January 21, 2018

Homework 3: Is Meaning Important - Symbolist Poem

Is Meaning Important?

While reading, it is important to understand the authoritative intent behind the symbols and overall structure of the poem for without this knowledge, one risks completely missing the point or intention behind the work. If one is properly aware of all the important context, then it is far easier to relate, distill, and comprehend the precise reasoning for all the words, symbols, and devices used. This comprehension can assist in discerning important social, religious, or historical details of the era, writing styles used by contemporaries of the time period, as well as clue in any personal beliefs or themes that the author typically used.  

This is not to say that interpretation is not to be completely disregarded, as assigning new meaning to a written work is something inherent to reading. This transformative process often helps the reader take away significance and relate their own perspective and experiences to the written work; this dialogue engages the audience far more than just taking away the author’s original intent, for the participation allows them to almost become a secondary author. We create in equal turn, a give and take process, and we share what we can in order to impress our own identity and ideologies onto the world around us. 

O Hallowed Beasts

A triumvirate of moral beasts
We have our lives aligned;
To uphold, crusade, and sunder those 
Who refuse their rule benign

Yet in our darkest, cruelest hour
We affixed them to a tower
And now we abuse their holy power

Still bearing their ensign

Justice roars her mighty thunder, 
Struggling now in vain;
Alas she cannot break her bonds
And cease the false campaign

So she watches, screaming
At bloodied corpses teeming 
As others remain scheming

To ne’er release their reign

Vengeance snarls and rallies
Against her leaded weights;
She will not abandon those 
Who deserve her dire straits

So she watches, screaming
At bloodied corpses teeming 
As others remain scheming

Rendering their fates

Sweet Truth, she lay defeated
On the broken ground;
Yet she refuses to yield 
Until her voice resounds

So she watches, screaming
At bloodied corpses teeming 
As others remain scheming

And seize upon their crowns

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